Our work as real estate advocates never ends. With the hugely successful legislative session behind us, it’s already time to look forward to the 2020 elections.
As a presidential election year, we expect record high voter turnout.
Texas REALTORS® really shine during election season because we consistently vote in higher percentages than non-members.
Another way Texas REALTORS® stand out is getting involved early to support the candidates who have demonstrated support for private property rights and the real estate industry.
This early engagement shows candidates that Texas REALTORS® are behind them. It also lets our members and other voters know which candidates support policies that protect real estate consumers and the Texas economy.
Early engagement is spearheaded by the Texas REALTORS® Political Involvement Committee. Every region of the state has representatives on the PIC, which oversees our association’s grassroots political activity.
Starting this month, these volunteers will spend hundreds of hours considering factors such as candidates’ relationships with your local association, their responses to our candidate questionnaire and in-person interview, and their voting history.
Search “early engagement” at yopin365.com to find a timeline of the 2020 primaries that explains how Texas REALTORS® will be engaged every step of the way.
Even though the 2020 elections may seem a long way off, take comfort that the dedicated volunteer leaders of your association are already discussing these high-stakes elections, positioning Texas REALTORS® for another successful election season.